These images were taken in St Peter Port in the 1800's. The photographers names are listed when known.
There is a separate listing for St Peter Port Harbour
There is a separate listing for St Peter Port Harbour

A General View of Guernsey c. 1850

Washing Place at Pont Renier in the late1850's or early 1860's

Elizabeth College Main Entrance cdv

Elizabeth College Main Entrance cdv zoom

Elizabeth College in the Late 1850s


Market Square in 1860

Belgrave Bay from Beau Sejour in about 1866

Guernsey Woman with market produce stereo

Guernsey Woman with market produce Stereo Right image

Guernsey Market People stereo

Guernsey Market People stereo Right image

Market Hill before the markets were built

Market Hill from the maybe the Assembly Rooms

The Town Church clock maybe taken from a window at the Assembly Rooms

Sprake's Bread & Biscuit Bakery Market Hill

Before the Market was Built

Mrs Gerard's Vegetable and Fruit Stall - Market Place St Peter Port Pre 1874

Pre Market Buidings


Lower Market area - colourised image

Prince Albert Statue and Surrounding Area before 1874

Looking down on the Town Church in the late 1860's

Looking down on the Town Church in the late 1860's zoom

Looking down on the Town Church in the late 1860's zoom2





The Old House in Fountain Street

Market Steps Area 1870's

Old Government House Hotel

Old Government House Hotel garden

Old Government House garden zoom

Old Market Place St Peter Port

Market Place zoom 1

Market Place zoom 2

Market Street St Peter Port



Glategny Esplanade St Peter Port 1870s zoom 1

Glategny Esplanade St Peter Port 1870s zoom 2

382a Smith Street Guernsey




Elizabeth College

Harbour View Circa 1872

Le Foulon in the 1880's

Victor Hugo on his balcony at Hauteville House

Victor Hugo with Grand-Children at Hauteville House

View over Fermain in the 1880's

Les Gravees St Peter Port in the 1880's

St Julian's Avenue 1872 Zoom1

St Julian's Avenue in 1872 Zoom 3

St Julian's Avenue Circa 1875

A Guernsey Wheelbarrow circa 1875

View from the Tunnel in 1899

Ladies' Baths Herm, Jethou & Trinity Yacht Galatea

Gardner's Royal Hotel showing the new annexe being completed.

Royal Hotel Zoom 1

Royal Hotel - Zoom 2

St James's Street in the 1890's

Selected Enlargement of st James Street photo

St Peter Port from Fort George before 1887

St Peter Port from Fort George before 1887 -zoom

Castle Cornet from the tunnel under the Clarence Battery

Greenhouses at Saumarez Lodge

View from Window of Saumarez Lodge

Prince Albert Statue and Town Church

A view from the Albert Pier

Laying The Foundation Stone of Well's Memorial Chapel

Believed to be Mrs Neve at the end of the row

Margaret Ann Neve

Mrs Neve's House -Rouge Huis

People in front of Mrs Neve's Farmhouse

Royal Hotel etc 1892