ST PETER PORT 1900 -1940
These images were taken in St Peter Port between 1900 and 1940. The photographers names are listed when known.
There is a separate listing for St Peter Port Harbour
There is a separate listing for St Peter Port Harbour

Town Church with No 11 electric tram

Close up of No 11 Tram

St Peter Port in the snow

The White Rock in 1904

Looking up Saumarez Street (Opposite Elizabeth College)

The Weighbridge in about 1912

An enlargment of the weighbridge image

A further enlargement of the Weighbridge image

High Street St Peter Port 1907

La Vallette Bathing Pools in Edwardian times

A Decorated Tram

High Street St Peter Port June 1903

High Street St Peter Port June 1903 Zoom

Tram No 10 outside No1 Loophole Tower about 1905

Guernsey Loophole Tower No. 1

No 1. Loophole Tower in colour

Tram No 6 outside the tram sheds

St Julian's Avenue

The Old Bordage circa 1900

August Show Candie 1909

St Julian's Avenue- Zoom

Ices at the Office 1917

Kings Birthday Parade Guernsey

Porters Boarding House

Mill Street 1910

Park Street

Imperial Airways

W.F. Baker Park Street

Market Square St Peter Port in the 1930's

High Street Guernsey 1930's

Taken from the White Rock in the 1920's

An enlargement from the previous image

Farmer's Hotel owned by the Hughes

The Vegetable Market in the 1930's

Motor Cycle outside Charroterie Furniture & Undertaking Works

Motor Cycle outside Charroterie & Furniture & Undertaking Works tidied zoom

St Julians Avenue

Harold Hobbs & Mr Cooper outside-Ship Inn Early 1930s


Strangers Golden wedding Celebration Maybe 1939

A Tea or Celebration Party at the beginning of the 20th Century

St Peter Port High Street in 1907

Candie Grounds in Edwardian times

Loafer's Wall re- constuction after damage by a car

Market steps St Peter Port

Constitution Steps, St Peter Port


Salvation Army Flag Day

Market Square c1900's

Market Square - The local Trouble Makers!



High Street St Peter Port 1925

The Longstore St Peter Port circa 1930's

Buildings in front of the Town Church

St Peter Port from the Air

Dog Show wagon along the Esplanade St Peter Port

Market Place St Peter Port 1930

Having a-drink at the North Plantation St Peter Port c1930

The Commercial Arcade St Peter Port 9am 3rd Sept 1937

The Commercial Arcade St Peter Port 9am 3rd Sept 1937 zoom