The following images come from a snapshot album owned by a Miss Evelyn Turner and contain photographs taken by two or more Girl Guide photographers who went on a camp to Guernsey and Sark in 1934. When in Guernsey, they camped at a farm owned by a Mr Naftel.
It is presumed but not proven that the visiting girls came from across the UK and not just one area.
Analysing the snapshot annotations and the information contained on the back of the photographs, the following names and information can be found:-
Evelyn Turner (Original owner of the snapshot album & the only girl wearing glasses & is a member of Robin Patrol)
Mary Sitch (from Walthamstow Rangers)
Peggy Brocks
Stella North
Anne Emmans
P Jordan
B Christie
Ella Myles
Francis Powell
N Savage
HC Ledd ?
The Girl Guide Association started in the UK in 1909 with the senior Guide Group for older girls starting in 1916.
The "Senior Guides" started in 1918, with the name "Rangers" being adopted in 1920. This name was changed in more recent times to "Senior Section", but has now reverted back to "Rangers" and open to 14-18 year olds.
The following images come from a snapshot album owned by a Miss Evelyn Turner and contain photographs taken by two or more Girl Guide photographers who went on a camp to Guernsey and Sark in 1934. When in Guernsey, they camped at a farm owned by a Mr Naftel.
It is presumed but not proven that the visiting girls came from across the UK and not just one area.
Analysing the snapshot annotations and the information contained on the back of the photographs, the following names and information can be found:-
Evelyn Turner (Original owner of the snapshot album & the only girl wearing glasses & is a member of Robin Patrol)
Mary Sitch (from Walthamstow Rangers)
Peggy Brocks
Stella North
Anne Emmans
P Jordan
B Christie
Ella Myles
Francis Powell
N Savage
HC Ledd ?
The Girl Guide Association started in the UK in 1909 with the senior Guide Group for older girls starting in 1916.
The "Senior Guides" started in 1918, with the name "Rangers" being adopted in 1920. This name was changed in more recent times to "Senior Section", but has now reverted back to "Rangers" and open to 14-18 year olds.

On the Boat Going Over

Almost The Gang

St Peter Port Harbour 1934

St Peter Port 7am

The Camp Site

The Camp Site Continued

Back of photo showing Lakers

Back of Homeward Bound Photo


The Robins

At The Well

Captioned "Near St Peter Port", but Road down to Moulin Huet

Stella Peggy & Mary at pump on Mr Naftel's Farm

Off For Wood

Real Hot Work Mary, Peggy & Stella

Ella, Francis, (not-marked) & Anne

Our Tent-Robin Patrol


Mary Peggy & Stella-Mary-Sitch-Stella-North-Peggy-Brock or Brocks

Captain & Betty

Mr Naftel & Family

On the Rocks at Albecq M Sitch

On the Rocks at Albecq P Jordan

2023-10-25-0008- Albecq - 1934

At L'ancresse 1934 Mary

At Petit Bot

At Petit Bot Mary Sitch Walthamstow Rangers Guernsey 1934

Petit Bot 1934 B Christie M Sitch A Emmans E Myles P Jordan

Petit Bot Guernsey 1934

Captioned 'Rousse 1934' - but actually Portelet

A dead Bird

Approaching Petit Bot Valley 1934

Approaching Moulin Huet

Moulin Huet

Looking down Hill from farm@ Camptrehard 1934

Moulin Huet 1934 F Powell S Myles


Fermain Bay 1934

Fermain 1934

L'ancresse 1934

At end of L'ancresse with Tower 5 in the distance



At Petit Bot 1934

Evelyn at Petit Bot

Creux Harbour Sark 1934

Creux Harbour Sark 1934 from the top

Creux Harbour Sark View from the Top 1934

Blancmange in Sark (But No Spoons)

The Entance to Sark 1934

Sark Prison 1934

Bel Air Sark 1934

Lemonade in Sark 1934

Interior of Sark Church 1934

Going down the Coupee at Sark in 1934

Dixcart Bay Sark 1934

In Sark 1934

The Little Chapel 1934

At Dixcart Bay 1934

Homeward Bound