John Ernest Dorey & wife Mary Louise Mauger
John Ernest Dorey & wife Mary Louise Mauger

Married 7th March 1893 at the Vale Wesleyan Chapel to Dolphus Thomas
Lee 26th September 1859, St John, Jersey

Lavinia Died 15th October 1950 Toronto Canada
Dolphus Died 14th May 1931 Toronto Canada

Ref: 077

Location: Guernsey

Photographer: T A Grut

John Ernest Dorey & wife Mary Louise Mauger

Married 7th March 1893 at the Vale Wesleyan Chapel to Dolphus Thomas
Lee 26th September 1859, St John, Jersey

Lavinia Died 15th October 1950 Toronto Canada
Dolphus Died 14th May 1931 Toronto Canada

Ref: 077

Location: Guernsey

Photographer: T A Grut